Tuesday, March 13, 2012


This past weekend Maggie, Allison and I went back to Granada for the first time since we lived there. I could not have asked for a better weekend!! I was worried that going back to Granada would make me sad but it actually did the opposite. It is such a wonderful city and it holds endless amounts of memories from some of the best months of my life.

While we were there we were fortunate to meet up with people from our past. It was amazing that so many people remembered us.
Our first night in Granada we met up with our friend, Gracian. We hopped around to all of our favorite places all night, trying to relive every memory. We had a great time and we were all really happy that we could meet up with Gracian.

On Saturday I was lucky enough to see my host parents!! I was so nervous that I would get really emotional seeing them or that they wouldn't remember me. But they did remember me and it was so great seeing them! I felt like I was right at home the second they opened the door and embraced me in a huge hug. Although they live 5 hours away from me now, it is comforting to know that I have them here. My host mom told me that I am now "half Spanish" and that I can tell people that Granada is my pueblo because I always have a home there. (in Spain, everyone has a pueblo-small town- which is where their family has come from)

The rest of our time in Granada we took advantage of the tranquil atmosphere. We hung out in the Albaycín and spent time gazing at the beautiful view from the mirador. Granada is unlike any place I have ever been to. It is not only beautiful but it is so rich in culture. You have the Arabic culture with all their shops and teterías scattered throughout town, then you have the hippies that populate the Albaycín with their handmade jewelry and dreadlocks and ofcourse the traditional flamenco culture.

This city has a special place in my heart and I already can't wait until I am able to go back! Hopefully someday I will be fortunate enough to live there again! :)